

Letter from the President

Nothing Matters More.

A pastor friend recently reminded me of the passage in Joshua when the new leader of the Israelites is instructed…

“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7 NKJV).

The temptation to turn aside from the mission — “to the right hand or to the left” — must have been strong, just as the distractions of our world today could easily pull OneHope off course. As a OneHope community, we are part of a collective mission — to affect destiny by providing God’s eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world. For the sake of the next generation, we must move forward wholeheartedly pursuing our mission.

Philippians 1:18 reminds us that “nothing matters except that, in one way or another, people are told the message about Christ …” (GWT). When we pursue the mission, to share Scripture with the next generation, young lives are changed; the enemy’s mission to steal, kill, and destroy is thwarted.

I passionately believe in the power of God’s Word because it invites children to live with hope and a purpose. This generation needs to know that with so much competing for their attention and affection, nothing matters more, and will sustain them more, than the Word of God.

In 2021, thanks to friends like you, millions of young people engaged with Scripture in a relevant way. In this update, enjoy celebrating with me the lives transformed by the Gospel and the many ways God has opened, and continues to open, doors for ministry. We can’t highlight our more than 300 different programs around the world; we can highlight only a few. But be assured, whether digital or print, film or audio, kids are told the message about Christ!

Your partner in world missions,

Rob Hoskins

Nothing Matters More

Nothing matters more than the mission of sharing God’s Word with the next generation.

With your partnership and God’s grace and provision, we reached more than 135 million children and youth with the Good News!

How did we do that in 2021? Let’s explore the global outreaches that made this possible.

The Kids Bible Experience

Great news for the Kids Bible Experience in 2021: it is now available in Spanish!

The response was amazing, and now this feature housed on YouVersion’s Bible app is making a big impact in English and Spanish for preteens!
  • It provides engaging, practical tips for how preteens can apply God’s Word to their lives.
  • It is friendly and inviting and offers relevant insights from voices they relate to.
  • Each day’s presentation includes a simple question to help kids reflect on what they learned — so it’s an easy and fun way to help preteens create a daily habit of engaging with Scripture.
  • The program brings the Church together to provide content as we call on our partners to help continually update what’s available daily.
  • It features YouTube/Instagram videos created by the best children’s pastors and ministries.

Much of the content is being produced by youth leaders and young people from around the world. It’s incorporating content from Australia, New Zealand, Ghana, and elsewhere.

The Kids Bible Experience is perfect for children who have already engaged with the Bible App for Kids and are ready to take the next step in growing in their faith.

One dad says it is “an incredible spiritual WIN for my family. Every morning we get together to go over the kids’ portion of this.”

Be praying for the young lives that will engage with this content. We plan to expand to more languages soon too!

“I really like Kids Bible Experience because it shows really fun videos to explain verses in the Bible, and I can respond with how it is helping me personally.”

What If It's True?

Many partners cannot evangelize to young people in limited access nations because of cultural restrictions. Youth may be curious about Christian beliefs, but outside of digital spaces, it would be very difficult for them to find a safe space to explore answers to those questions. What If It’s True? begins with an intriguing social media ad. When a participant chooses to engage with the content, it leads to a seven-day introductory journey through Scripture. Throughout the engagement process, users have an opportunity to go deeper and ultimately connect with a local discipleship cohort or social media community manager who is equipped to answer questions and guide users on their personal journeys toward faith.

2022 Faith Goal
12.4 million

Reach to Date
9+ Million

The Bible App for Kids


The most downloaded digital Bible for children, the Bible App for Kids, is now available in more than 60 languages and has been downloaded on every continent! In 2021, we hit the milestone of 75,000,000 installs globally.

Children as young as 2 now have access to God’s Word on the go, through a phone or tablet. In this way we’re reaching children in limited access nations, places where missionaries may not be able to go, and where local religions or politics put up barriers to the Gospel.

And, of course, digital ministry allows children anywhere in the world to learn about Jesus, including children like Kodai, a Japanese boy living in the United States.

Often it’s difficult to share the Good News with diaspora children who have immigrated to other nations. They may be lonely or homesick. But they can still hear the Gospel in their own heart language.

So, when Kodai found a YouTube channel from a Japan OneHope partner with video Sunday school based on the Bible App for Kids, he loved it!

Kodai was so excited about his online Sunday school that he wanted to make sure it continued for other children too. When his grandfather sent him money for his birthday, Kodai donated it to OneHope.

Teacher Mitsuru sent Kodai a recorded video message of thanks, and Kodai responded with a note:

The online Sunday school is so much fun! When you sent me a video message, I was so happy; I was almost about to cry. … I am going to save up my allowance and give it to the next campaign.

Limited Access Nations

Sharing Jesus with the Next Generation In

Difficult terrain. Extremist traditional religions. Government opposition.

In many nations of the world, we face harsh barriers to sharing the Good News. Nevertheless, there are Christians who want to reach the next generation — and they partner with OneHope for the Scripture resources they need to share the Good News.

We can’t put the names of these countries or our local partners in print for security reasons, but in several nations, our local church and ministry partners are putting themselves at risk to reach the next generation … this is how committed they are to sharing the Gospel!

The Holy Spirit is moving as children and youth find faith in Christ through OneHope Scripture engagement programs.

Think about teenagers like Sohini and Subhi, twin sisters in a limited access nation of Asia. Where they come from, Hinduism is the dominant religion — and leaving that faith puts people at great risk of persecution — Christians are especially vulnerable to oppression and outright violence.

Nevertheless, our partners in this nation are united in reaching out to the next generation, and they gave Sohini and Subhi the Book of Hope.

The twins soon began attending the local church and classes there for teenagers. Sometimes their mother waited for them to get out of class, and she heard the music and teaching in the church. Slowly her heart, too, turned toward the Lord.

Today both girls, their mom, and all the members of their family have chosen Christ as Savior and have been baptized in their church! And it all began with the Book of Hope.

Lead Today

Raising Up The Next Generation Of Godly Leaders

Lead Today has rapidly become one of the Scripture programs most in demand from our global partners! Already 11.1 million young people have participated in the program to date, and in 2022 we expect to reach more than 4 million.

Created in partnership with leadership expert John Maxwell’s EQUIP organization, Lead Today teaches students about godly leaders from the Bible, with a special focus on the ultimate leader, Jesus Christ. Students are engaged with Scripture, choose to follow Jesus, and begin the journey to becoming godly leaders.

Lead Today
Fast Facts

3.2 Million
Participated in the Program in 2021

2022 Faith Goal:
4 Million

A Better Influence

Katima lived with her mother when she was a little girl — then her mother passed her off to her grandmother — and more recently Katima was sent back to her mom and stepdad … she felt like they just wanted her around to help with her younger half siblings!

The absence of her biological father … and being shuffled from home to home … left Katima feeling unwanted and unloved. When she enrolled in Lead Today, she began to discover a different way to look at her circumstances.

She believed in God’s love for her and decided she could be an influencer — first she would become a better influence on her younger siblings.

Today 14-year-old Katima not only loves and guides her younger brothers and sisters, she also enjoys working with the children at her church, and she is growing in her relationship with Jesus. Lead Today gave her hope for tomorrow!


Hot Topics — from a Biblical Perspective

Church youth leaders saw young people with a lot of questions about hot topics in culture today — but little in the way of relevant programs with biblical answers. So, we developed Feed with small group series such as #RealMe, about social media, and Set Apart: What God Says About Sexuality and Gender. We made the program available to churches for free — and the response has been great!

Feed is helping pastors shine light on relevant issues so teens can wrestle through them and grow stronger in their faith.

“We started your small group series The Bible this month in our weekend youth services and have loved the practicality and depth of it!” — Youth Pastor in Minnesota

Christmas in Asia

God’s Word for 9.2 Million Children And Youth

Our partners across Asia reached 9.2 million children and youth with God’s Word last year through Christmas in Asia — touching young lives in 18 nations.
  • Christmas is the perfect time to present the Gospel in Asia.
  • Although people may not know the true meaning of Christmas, there are still huge celebrations.
  • The music, lights, gifts, parties, and decorations — they make people wonder: Why is this holiday celebrated?
This gives our partners a great platform for sharing God’s Word. They use special editions of the Book of Hope and digital programs to explain the true meaning of Christmas and share the Gospel. Plans are already underway for Christmas in Asia 2022.

Christmas in
Asia Fast Facts

9.2 million
reached in 2021

Active in
18 Nations

Discovering God's Love

Her heart was broken. Her world plunged into chaos.

Angkasa’s father died in early 2019.

Then, the 2020 pandemic struck their majority-Muslim homeland in Asia — lockdowns, shortages, fear, hopelessness — it was grief upon grief …

And then, Angkasa’s mother tragically died!

Now an orphan, Angkasa was filled with ever-increasing pain, loss, and rage. She didn’t believe God loved her — or that “God is love” — how could that be when her family had been torn apart like this?

Thank God, you were there for Angkasa in her darkest moments. You sent her the Christmas Book of Hope during our holiday outreaches last year. The story that touched her heart was about the disciples after the crucifixion; they refused to believe that Jesus was alive, and they were part of a much bigger story.

Could it be that just as they refused to see the truth about Jesus, she was refusing to see the truth about God? Maybe her bleak circumstances made her doubt that there was any more to her story.

Angkasa chose to trust in God and experience the love of the Savior, Jesus. She now believes that He is real and has glorious plans for her life and future.

The Hosanna Plan in Russia

Planting Churches And Reaching Children

Thousands of towns in Russia have no evangelical church — but our Russian church partners are changing this through the Hosanna Plan. Children and youth receive God’s Word in each town or village — those who come to faith in Christ, along with their families, become the nucleus of the new church.

Since the program began in 2010, Hosanna Plan teams have reached 48 MILLION children and youth with God’s Word and planted more than 4,000 churches. Our teams are doing everything they can to reach every child with God’s Word.

Hosanna Plan
Fast Facts

48 Million
Children and
Youth Reached

4,000+ Churches

The Lumiere Project in Africa

More than 2,500 New Churches!

The Lumière Project is our audacious plan to plant new churches across sub-Saharan Africa. A church planter visits a village and shows The GodMan film, then out of the interest in learning more about God’s Word, the ministry partner establishes a new church. Already over 2,500 new churches have been planted.

Fast Facts

Features The
GodMan Film

2,500+ Churches

Learning to Hope Again

Mot’sabi, a young girl in the African nation of Lesotho, had suffered tragedy after tragedy. Her parents abandoned her when she was just 3 years old. Thankfully, her grandmother took her in …

But then when she was 12, her grandmother was murdered in front of her, and Mot’sabi herself was violently attacked.

Now traumatized, orphaned, and homeless, she felt hopeless.

A neighboring family took her in, but they were poor and struggling to provide for their own children.

By the time she was 16, Mot’sabi started sneaking into bars and clubs, engaging in destructive behavior to try to forget the pain inside.

Her future looked bleak … until she enrolled in our Foundations for Farming program, an outreach that shares God’s Word and helps young people in developing nations learn about gardening and farming so they can grow their own food.

As Mot’sabi studied the Scriptures and tried her hand at gardening, things began changing for her!

Today the vegetables she grows help feed her foster family, and Mot’sabi is looking forward to a much brighter future. She’s doing well in school and hopes someday to be a lawyer so she can always stand up for the truth.

The gift of God’s Word and practical teaching about sowing and reaping helped bring her to faith in Christ and give her joy after tragedy.

Watch Mot’sabi's Story

Nothing Matters More

How You Are Part Of What Matters Most

Thank you for being part of the amazing mission of OneHope and the vision of God’s Word. Every Child.

For the next generation, nothing matters more than engaging them with the Living Word so they can come to know Christ and shape their world by His power and grace.

As you’ve read, in 2021 your dedication to this mission helped touch the lives of 135 million children and youth with the Good News!

This work is only possible because of the support and prayers of friends like you, and we are grateful. We’re looking forward to where the mission will take OneHope in 2022, and we’re counting on you to go there with us.

Today, as always, it takes just 33¢ to engage one child with God’s Word. This means every $1 shares Jesus with 3 children and youth. It would be a privilege for OneHope to have your support again in 2022. How many children will you reach with God’s Word?



We believe our OneHope family of support are co-laborers — and one of our core values as a ministry is, “We believe that we are accountable to God and man.”

In order to be transparent and accountable, we’ve included the graphs and numbers here to show you the sources of income for the ministry and how the resources are used to help further the vision of God’s Word. Every Child.

OneHope is a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has an annual, outside, independent audit. The charts below are part of this commitment to financial accountability

For Each Dollar Received

A Personal Word from

Founder Bob Hoskins

I love what Rob has to say at the beginning of this report: nothing matters more.

This has been my feeling for nearly 35 years of OneHope ministry! Nothing matters more to me, to this ministry, and to the next generation than getting God’s Word to children and youth.

Thank you for being part of this, for taking this amazing journey with me. Let me ask you to please keep praying. OneHope always moves forward through prayer — and innovation.

Every year I’m amazed and delighted as our global partners embrace the mission and ask for new programs (often based on our global research), new translations, and new and innovative ways to engage the next generation — I love their creativity, and I’m committed to keep saying YES to new opportunities and new ways to minister.

And because we always seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit, who makes all things new, I expect OneHope to keep sharing God’s Word in new ways until we achieve the mission and affect destiny for every child and youth by the power of God’s Word.

Thank you for being part of it — for being part of what matters most.

OneHope’s Board of Directors

Dale Berkey (chairman)
JoAnn Butrin
Dave Byker
Joe Champion
Chuck Gomes
Bobby Gruenewald
Carolyn Haas
Bob Hoskins
Rob Hoskins
David Meyer
Ryan Pinto
Lisa Stewart
Stephan Tchividjian

Nothing Matters More


OneHope helps children and youth worldwide engage with God’s Word. Our vision is for every child in every generation to encounter Jesus through His Word. We believe the life-changing narrative of the Good News brings hope and has the power to affect destinies. We create research-based, contextualized Scripture engagement programs and work alongside the global Church to share them with young people. Through OneHope’s diverse partnerships, more than 1.8 billion children have received God’s Word since 1987.

600 SW 3rd Street Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 | 1.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425) |